The first Mario kart 8 DLC is almost here but we have to tell you everything we know about this DLC that is releasing this year of 2014.
*release dates aren't announced yet but the months are:
*Zelda DLC - November 2014
* Animal Crossing - May 2015
*Come back to this blog to see the dates updated and more news.
New Vehicles in Pack 1:
These new vehicles in Mario kart 8 are absolutely amazing! Well I mean, look at the list! We got the Blue falcon from F-Zero, the B Dasher from Mario kart DS, Link's very special own motorcycle, "the master cycle", and also the Toonooki buggy! We have never had anything coming from a different franchise into the Mario kart franchise, that is why it is so awesome to see these new vehicles! The master cycle and the blue falcon! The master cycle, if you look closely, looks just like Link's horse, epona! According to nintendo's tweet on Twitter, they informed us that this vehicle has plenty of horse power.... Wonder what that could mean...
^ This is the Blue falcon, this is the only screenshot Nintendo have released for this vehicle. If you can see in the screenshot above, this vehicle looks like it has NO WHEELS at all! This could mean that this vehicle doesn't have to switch from anti-gravity mode to non-anti-gravity mode! In other words, this vehicle doesn't have to display their wheels when passing the blue strip...
^This is the Toonooki buggy, if you can see, the tire hanging from the back of the truck is actually matching toonooki Mario's tail. No biggie, it's just a neat touch Nintendo did for Toonooki Mario, but that's not all, if you can also see, the front of the truck represents a face of a raccoon! Look!
Yup, the front of the Toonooki buggy does represent a raccoon's face...
(Instagram: @mmt_official)
New Characters:
Like we said, not a single different franchise has entered the world of Mario kart. That is why it is so exciting to see Link join in the fun!
Rants from the fans:
Some fans are kinda disappointed though, not about Link but because of the character roster clones rising. Adding Cat Peach and Toonooki Mario was a horrible decision fans thought. Don't get me wrong but, other fans thought Link was a waste too because he gets a chance to join a franchise that wasn't even made for him but other characters that deserve to join in the roster can't have a chance because of this character, including Toonooki Mario and Cat Peach.
Well atleast Toonooki Mario & Cat Peach have different animations when doing tricks right? No? Well okay...
Checkout the screenshots of these amazing characters!
Don't forget guys, these characters are only available in DLC 1, not 2...
The Race Tracks & Cups:
DLC Pack 1 includes 2 cups, each cup in Mario kart equals 4 Tracks so in all, you will also be receiving 8 Tracks. Here are the confirmed tracks we know now and some clues & Easter eggs we spotted:
*Come back to this blog to view all confirmed tracks, not all are confirmed. We inform you immediately..
1. Zelda track
2. Yoshi Circuit (GCN)
3. Wario's Goldmine (Wii)
4. Mute city
5. Excite bike track
6. Ice Ice outpost
7. Dragon drift way
8. Hylian circuit
Screenshots of the new race tracks:
Wario's gold mine:
Wario's goldmine originally appeared in Mario kart wii. Making its first return to Mario Kart 8. It's actually obvious that the blue strip will appear before the first dip in the screenshot, making you switch to antigravity.
Excite bike Track:
If you can see, this track is the shape of Baby Park from MKDD! The only difference is that it's an extended shape of that track with many humps on the track. Not only that, each time when you race on this track, the course will change into different methods on the way you race on the other half of the track. Check it out yourself below:
It will change on the other side of the course when you start off the race.
Old version of Yoshi circuit (GCN) :
New version in Mario kart 8:
Not only did this track returned but it also returned for the 2nd time! This is the first time Nintendo ever breaked the Mario kart law which was to not bring a track back for the 2nd time. Well, that's what the fans thought but there's still many tracks that should be replaced with this track in DLC pack 1 such as Wario colosseum. That track has many twists, ramps, and curves! This would definitely fit the new ability of antigravity in Mario kart 8 but hey, that's Nintendo. Anyways, this track reappeared in Mario kart DS from MKDD. It's actually great to see this track in a new beautiful HD look though to be honest.
F-Zero track:
This is the new F-Zero track. This is the only screenshot Nintendo ever released for this course. Keep in mind though, this track will most likely be a antigravity-ONLY track. How come? See those blue strips on both sides of the course?
Well those strips appeared in the remake version of piranha plant slide in this game when you plunge into the water.
And also the haunted mansion track in this game!
Those blue strips means that your in the antigravity zone so it's obvious that the F-Zero course will be an antigravity-only track. Who knows, there could be loops in this track too since F-Zero had loops in that racing game. We could be wrong but there's a high chance that this could be true.
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