Sunday, June 29, 2014

8 ways to own Mario Kart 8!

Mario kart 8 has over 2 million skilled players that know all the techniques in getting into first place, but not all of them, here's 8 ways to dominate in Mario kart 8 than any other player!

1. The start boost to a flawless start!

Everyone know this trick and it's the start boost! In this game is not easy actually to get the big boost you want to start off the race with. When the number 2 drops down the screen, that is when you hold down the accelerate button, make sure you do it as soon as it drops because if you do it too early, your car will burst it's fuel making your car stop for atleast 5 seconds making your opponents get a headstart, do it to late isn't such a bad thing but you won't get a huge boost, only a mini one. Do it right? Your boost is gonna end up as a mushroom boost!

2. There's actually 2 accelerate controls!

Incase your a typical gamer that would like to take it hardcore a little bit, on the wii u gamepad has 2 controls that will make your kart accelerate either way. The 'A' button is one way and the right analog stick while pushing it forward without pressing the 'A' button is another way. The other controls for items, drifting, etc. are the same, just an easier way for your fingers to be at the same height for comfortable gameplay for better performance.

3. Go old school to be 1st!

Remember that old school pipe frame kart which was the first ever kart that appeared in the first mario kart and mario kart 64? Well actually in our opinion, the pipe frame kart with small-medium wheels, with any type of glider is the fastest kart in Mario kart 8! When you use any type of weight character, the handling, the speed, and the weight and etc. of the car combination is perfect when you click the '+' button to see the chart and when you actually take it on the road! Trust me, I would've never gotten my golden glider by drifting for those coins and speeding at the same time! Try it!

4. HOP after your DRIFT! 

People don't notice this but when you hop 2 times quickly after your drif boost, your speed increases even more after the boost you get weather it's a blue spark or a red one! Try it!

5. Don't be afraid of the kart's ability

Most players think that just because the Motorbike in Mario kart Wii had wheelies to make the bike go faster, will still be better and faster in the new Mario kart 8 even though the wheelie is taken out for you to control. Well umm, no, both karts and motorbikes in Mario kart 8 are the fastest on most of the tracks said in the last nintendo direct. So don't worry, you just have to customize your vehicle right.

6. The coins are important!

A lot of players asked the same questions over and over again to see what are the coins meant for in this game. They aren't here just to bling in our face, they here to help us! How? Pick up ten, which is the limit to have in 1 race, to save up to unlock new random characters and vehicle parts! Not only that, the coins help your speed! Each time you collect one at a time, it increases even more but just watch out from any obstacles because if you get hit or fall off the track, you'll lose 3 coins which decrease your speed quick!

7. How to Avoid Spectating and join a lobby fast

Many people hate spectating since it's so boring! But here's an amazing tip to avoid watching the racers race when your trying to join an online match! When your selecting your character for the online match, pick it, then pick a customized vehicle you would like to use then just wait a few seconds and then a countdown will appear, that means a lobby is waiting on your vote for the race! Then there you have it! Your not going to spectate anymore!

8. The gold kart is eh...

Don't get us wrong, the gold kart in Mario kart 8 is an amazing glossy glittering gold kart to use and all but it isn't so fast enough in our opinion when you add all the gold parts together to race. Don't force yourself to use this vehicle just because your thinking about the bragging to the other players, not really the winning. Haha! I know what your doing gamers, I just know😉, tryout a race in Mario kart 8 today by using our tips gamers! See you soon!

Instagram: mmt_official

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