Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mercedes Benz Trailer

Update | The Mercedes Benz trailer has been released for Japan! This fabulous free DLC for Mario kart 8 is releasing around the corner on August 27th! No words for US or other countries yet but We heard that the Mercedes Benz is not the only thing that's being released on that date. Mario kart 8 is also releasing a update for the game that will change the way you game from the start of May with these new changes. 
➊No more looking down at your gamepad for the map fella, the map is heading onto your tv screen just like the previous Mario karts when you update the game! 
 ➋The Mercedes Benz DLC will be free of course.
➌Default menu selection following GP race is changing to Next race (instead of view highlight) 
➍Last used kart customization added to save.
➎Edit others highlight reels. 
➏Records screen with total coins, online win-loss record, character selection rates etc.
➐Improved online stability.
➑Other problems will be addressed.
That's not all, with the latest invention of amiibo by nintendo, DLC characters could be coming by using these figurines or just buying them through the eshop! You heard this from us first gamers.
Checkout the trailer exclusively from us first! By @mmt_official 

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